If you’ve got two or more computers or devices that communicate, then you have a network. A computer network is the superhighway that supports your technology infrastructure, ensuring emails go where they should, printers and scanners receive your commands, and your whole office is connected to the internet.
When something goes wrong with a computer network, it can bring your whole office to a standstill. It’s kind of like a bad bulb on a string of Christmas lights. When one goes out, it can take everything else down with it.
Proper management of a business network is vital to the health of a company and to their data security and productivity. It’s a job that you want to make sure is handled expertly so you avoid unnecessary downtime and the associated costs.
With over 30 years of IT experience, Connect2Geek helps businesses in the Treasure Valley area avoid expensive downtime and increase their network security at the same time. Our managed network support offers better, more reliable IT performance and no upfront investment in new equipment.
How can your business save money and improve cybersecurity by outsourcing your network support? Read on to find out why so many small businesses actually save money by letting an IT pro handle their network for them.
Ways that Outsourcing Your Network Support Can Make Your Business Better
Without an IT network, you would be sitting in front of one computer that wasn’t connected to anything. No email, no internet, not even a printer. A network is the web that connects your entire technology infrastructure inside your office and to the outside world.
Parts of a network include:
- Computers, laptops, mobile devices
- Modems, routers, and Wi-Fi equipment
- Hardware such as printers, scanners, and security cameras
- Shared data and storage devices
- Cloud-based software and apps
Computer networks are so vital to business these days that if they go down or are breached by hackers, it can cause serious financial hardship and lost sales while trying to repair the damage.
Unplanned downtime can cost small businesses up to $8,600 per hour. (Aberdeen)
How can you avoid unexpected issues with your network and keep all that data that’s zooming around on it more secure? Here’s how outsourced network support can help.
Reduce Data Security Risks
Trying to handle data security yourself with an anti-virus software is going to leave you vulnerable to a data breach and the costly consequences. Having a pro like Connect2Geek handle your network means it’s going to be secured with the most reliable applications and all security patches and updates will be applied right away.
24/7 monitoring by an IT provider means there are no expected security breaches and you avoid potential data privacy fines from PCI or HIPAA violations.
Improve Overall IT Performance
Are you suffering with slow connections that are a drain on your team’s productivity? When you’ve got someone handling your IT network that has years of business technology experience, they’ll immediately identify issues and make tweaks to things that are slowing you down.
So, you’ll get the added benefit of a better performing IT network, and your team is no longer held back from performing at full speed.
Control Your Technology Expenses
When you’re only taking care of your network maintenance when something goes wrong, you can get hit with some big, unexpected bills that you didn’t budget for. When you outsource network support, you have an affordable monthly IT cost and you know exactly what your budget needs to be, no unexpected budget-crashing surprises.
Stop Unexpected Downtime
One of the most costly results of a poorly managed network is unexpected downtime. When a computer, server, or internet connection goes down, often employees are left waiting for the issue to be fixed.
Connect2Geek takes a proactive approach, monitoring and maintaining your network at all times, and addressing any potential issues before they result in downtime.
Improve Quality of Service
Are lagging connections slowing your customer support services? Proper network support can prioritize your network traffic based upon businesses use priorities. This can result in improved voice quality over VoIP phone systems, faster website performance, and reduced congestion and bottlenecks of your network traffic.
Experience Better Scalability
As you add staff, you’re adding demands on your IT network. By using an outsourced network support provider, you can ensure your network can handle additional capacity and performance needs down the road.
IT pros analyze current performance and usage trends to help you make informed decisions about future hardware or software needs so you can be ready for easy scalability when you need it.
Learn More about Network Support with Connect2Geek!
Find out how affordable having your very own “IT Team” to handle all your network needs can be. Connect2Geek can improve your IT performance while increasing data security and reducing costs.
Get a Free Network Assessment today! Contact us online or call 208-468-4323.